The trailer for the movie “Amar Singh Chamkila,” starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, directed and written by Imtiaz Ali, was revealed today, March 28. The film tells the true story of Punjab’s original rockstar, who emerged from poverty to become a beloved artist in the 80s. Known as the ‘Elvis of Punjab,’ he was tragically assassinated at 27. With AR Rahman handling the music and Irshad Kamil writing the lyrics, fans will witness their collaboration after nine years. Excitingly, both Dosanjh and Chopra have sung some original Chamkila songs in Punjabi. For the first time, the film will feature live music recordings on location, capturing the energy as Dosanjh and Chopra sing live.
Watch the trailer here:
Imtiaz Ali reflected on creating Amar Singh Chamkila, stating, “Exploring the journey of young musicians challenging societal norms, achieving immense success, then meeting violent ends is a global reality. Chamkila’s life raises questions but ultimately celebrates an artist’s unwavering passion for music. Netflix proved an ideal partner, passionate and able to reach diverse audiences.”
Ruchikaa Kapoor Sheikh, Netflix India’s Director of Original Films, emphasized, “Our focus at Netflix is on telling authentic local stories. Collaborating with Imtiaz, who has skillfully depicted Amar Singh Chamkila’s life, is truly inspiring. With Chamkila’s original songs and A. R. Rahman’s exceptional music, we’re eager for audiences to witness Diljit and Parineeti bringing the timeless tale to life.”
The film is a joint production by Mohit Choudhary, Select Media Holdings LLP, Saregama, and Window Seat Films. Saregama handles the film’s music. ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ premieres on April 12, exclusively on Netflix.
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