WhatsApp has made another privacy-focused change. Now, you can’t take screenshots of other people’s profile pictures on the app. This update is part of WhatsApp’s effort to make the app more private. Also, when you share a video or photo that disappears after it’s viewed once, the receiver can’t take a screenshot of it either.
The new feature, currently only in the WhatsApp beta app for Android users, shows a warning message if you try to screenshot a profile picture. This is to stop people from taking and possibly sharing profile pictures without permission.
Currently, WhatsApp doesn’t let you know if someone tries to screenshot your profile picture. It might take a while for this feature to reach all users worldwide.
To add to this privacy feature, WhatsApp lets you adjust who can see your profile picture in the Privacy Settings. This way, you can control who gets to see your personal info and reduce the chances of it being shared without your permission.
Recently, WhatsApp introduced a cool update for its Channels feature. Now, you can share channel posts in your status updates, giving you a new way to engage with content on the app. This update includes four more features related to channels, which were tested before and are now available on both Android and iOS versions of WhatsApp.
Before, you could only share channel posts in chats, but now you can do it in your status updates. WhatsApp announced this change on the channel page a few days ago, but some users might have noticed it earlier.
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